coniii.samplers module

class coniii.samplers.HamiltonianMC(n, theta, calc_e, random_sample, grad_e=None, dt=0.01, leapfrogN=20, nCpus=0)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Sampler

generate_samples(nSamples, nBurn=100, fast=True, x0=None)

Generate nSamples from this Hamiltonian starting from random initial conditions from each sample.

sample(x0, nBurn, saveHistory=False)

Get a single sample by MC sampling from this Hamiltonian. Slow method

class coniii.samplers.Heisenberg3DSampler(J, calc_e, random_sample)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Sampler

Simple MC Sampling from Heisenberg model with a lot of helpful functions.

generate_samples() equilibrate_samples() sample_metropolis() sample_energy_min()

equilibrate_samples(samples, n_iters, method='mc', nCpus=0)
generate_samples(nSamples, n_iters=100, **kwargs)

sample_size : int


Gradient wrt theta and phi.

X : ndarray
with dims (nSpins,2) with angles theta and phi
sample_energy_min(nFixed=0, rng=RandomState(MT19937) at 0x7F74D4748160, initialState=None, method='powell', **kwargs)

Find local energy minimum given state in angular form. Angular representation makes it easy to be explicit about constraints on the vectors.

initialState : ndarray,None
n_samples x n_features x 2
nFixed : int,0
Number of vectors that are fixed.
sample_metropolis(oldState, E0)
s : ndarray
State to perturb randomly.
energy : float
Energy of configuration.
sample_nearby_sample(X, **kwargs)

Randomly move given state around for new metropolis sample. Question is whether it is more efficient to push only one of the many vectors around or all of them simultaneously.

sample_nearby_vector(v, nSamples=1, otheta=None, ophi=None, sigma=0.1)

Sample random vector that is nearby. It is important how you choose the width sigma. NOTE: code might be simplified by using arctan2 instead of arctan

v : ndarray
xyz vector about which to sample random vectors
nSamples : int,1
number of random samples
otheta : float,None
polar angle for v
ophi : float,None
azimuthal angle for v
sigma : float,.1
width of Gaussian about v
classmethod to_dict(data, names)

Convenience function taking 3d array of of samples and arranging them into n x 3 arrays in a dictionary.

class coniii.samplers.Metropolis(n, theta, calc_e=None, n_cpus=None, rng=None, boost=True, iprint=True)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Sampler

generate_cond_samples(sample_size, fixed_subset, burn_in=1000, n_cpus=None, initial_sample=None, systematic_iter=False, parallel=True)

Generate samples from conditional distribution (while a subset of the spins are held fixed). Samples are generated in parallel.

NOTE: There is a bug with multiprocess where many calls to the parallel sampling routine in a row leads to increasingly slow evaluation of the code.

sample_size : int fixed_subset : list of duples

Each duple is the index of the spin and the value to fix it at. These should be ordered by spin index.
burn_in : int
Burn in.
n_cpus : int
Number of cpus to use.
initial_sample : ndarray
Option to set initial random sample.
systematic_iter : bool
Iterate through spins systematically instead of choosing them randomly.
parallel : bool
If True, use parallelized routine.
Samples from distribution.
Energy of each sample.
generate_samples_boost(sample_size, n_iters=1000, burn_in=None, systematic_iter=False)

Generate Metropolis samples using C++ and boost.

sample_size : int
Number of samples.
n_iters : int, 1000
Number of Metropolis iterations between samples.
burn_in : int, None
If not set, will be the same value as n_iters.
systematic_iter : bool, False
If True, iterate through each element of system by increment index by one.
ndarray, optional
Saved array of energies at each sampling step.
generate_samples_parallel_boost(sample_size, n_iters=1000, burn_in=None, systematic_iter=False)

Generate samples in parallel. Each replica in self._samples runs on its own thread and a sample is generated every n_iters.

In order to control the random number generator, we pass in seeds that are samples from the class instance’s rng.

sample_size : int
Number of samples.
n_iters : int, 1000
Number of iterations between taking a random sample.
burn_in : int, None
If None, n_iters is used.
systematic_iter : bool, False
If True, iterate through spins systematically instead of choosing them randomly.
generate_samples_parallel_py(sample_size, n_iters=1000, burn_in=None, initial_sample=None, systematic_iter=False)

Generate samples in parallel. Each replica in self._samples runs on its own thread and a sample is generated every n_iters.

In order to control the random number generator, we pass in seeds that are samples from the class instance’s rng.

sample_size : int
Number of samples.
n_iters : int, 1000
Number of iterations between taking a random sample.
burn_in : int, None
If None, n_iters is used.
initial_sample : ndarray, None
Starting set of replicas otherwise self._samples is used.
systematic_iter : bool, False
If True, iterate through spins systematically instead of choosing them randomly.
generate_samples_py(sample_size, n_iters=1000, burn_in=None, systematic_iter=False, saveHistory=False, initial_sample=None)

Generate Metropolis samples using a for loop.

sample_size : int
Number of samples.
n_iters : int, 1000
Number of iterations to run the sampler floor.
burn_in : int, None
If None, n_iters is used.
systematic_iter : bool, False
If True, iterate through each element of system by increment index by one.
saveHistory : bool, False
If True, also save the energy of each sample at each sampling step.
initial_sample : ndarray, None
Start with this sample (i.e. to avoid warming up). Otherwise, self._samples is the initial sample.
ndarray, optional
Saved array of energies at each sampling step.
sample_metropolis(sample0, E0, rng=None, flip_site=None, calc_e=None)

Metropolis sampling given an arbitrary energy function.

sample0 : ndarray
Sample to start with. Passed by ref and changed.
E0 : ndarray
Initial energy of state.
rng : np.random.RandomState
Random number generator.
flip_site : int
Site to flip.
calc_e : function
If another function to calculate energy should be used
delta energy.
class coniii.samplers.ParallelTempering(n, theta, calc_e, n_replicas, Tbds=(1.0, 3.0), sample_size=1000, replica_burnin=None, rep_ex_burnin=None, n_cpus=None, rng=None)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Sampler


pool : mp.multiprocess.Pool

burn_in_replicas(pool=None, close_pool=True, n_iters=None)

Run each replica separately.

pool : multiprocess.Pool, None close_pool : bool, True

If True, call pool.close() at end.
n_iters : int, None
Default value is self.replicaBurnin.
generate_samples(sample_size, save_exchange_trajectory=False)

Burn in, run replica exchange simulation, then sample.

sample_size : int
Number of samples to take for each replica.
save_exchange_trajectory : bool, False
If True, keep track of the location of each replica in beta space and return the history.
ndarray, optional
Trajectory of each replica through beta space. Each row is tells where each index is located in beta space.
static initialize_beta(b0, b1, n_replicas)

Use linear interpolation of temperature range.

static iterate_beta(beta, acceptance_ratio)

Apply algorithm from Hukushima but reversed to maintain one replica at T=1.

beta : ndarray
Inverse temperature.
acceptance_ratio : ndarray
Estimate of acceptance ratio.
New beta.
optimize_beta(n_samples, n_iters, tol=0.01, max_iter=10)

Find suitable temperature range for replicas. Sets self.beta.

n_samples : int
Number of samples to use to estimate acceptance ratio. Acceptance ratio is estimated as the average of these samples.
n_iters : int
Number of sampling iterations for each replica.
tol : float, .1
Average change in beta to reach before stopping.
max_iter : int, 10
Number of times to iterate algorithm for beta. Each iteration involves sampling from replicas.

Initialise a set of replicas at different temperatures using the Metropolis algorithm and optimize the temperatures. Replicas are burned in and ready to sample.


Update parameters for each replica. Remember that the parameters include the factor of beta.

class coniii.samplers.Potts3(n, theta, calc_e=None, n_cpus=None, rng=None, boost=True)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Metropolis

generate_samples_parallel_boost(sample_size, n_iters=1000, burn_in=None, systematic_iter=False)

Generate samples in parallel. Each replica in self._samples runs on its own thread and a sample is generated every n_iters.

In order to control the random number generator, we pass in seeds that are samples from the class instance’s rng.

sample_size : int
Number of samples.
n_iters : int, 1000
Number of iterations between taking a random sample.
burn_in : int, None
If None, n_iters is used.
systematic_iter : bool, False
If True, iterate through spins systematically instead of choosing them randomly.
sample_metropolis(sample0, E0, rng=None, flip_site=None, calc_e=None)

Metropolis sampling given an arbitrary sampling function.

sample0 : ndarray
Sample to start with. Passed by ref and changed.
E0 : ndarray
Initial energy of state.
rng : np.random.RandomState
Random number generator.
flip_site : int
Site to flip.
calc_e : function
If another function to calculate energy should be used
delta energy.
class coniii.samplers.SWIsing(n, theta, calc_e, nCpus=None, rng=None)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Sampler

generate_sample(n_samples, n_iters, initial_state=None)

n_samples n_iters initial_state : ndarray,None

generate_sample_parallel(n_samples, n_iters, initial_state=None, n_cpus=None)

n_samples n_iters initial_state : ndarray,None


Get a random sample of clusters.

randomly_flip_clusters(state, clusters)
class coniii.samplers.Sampler(n, theta, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base class for MCMC sampling.

generate_samples(sample_size, **kwargs)

sample_size : int

generate_samples_parallel(sample_size, **kwargs)

sample_size : int

sample_metropolis(s, energy)
s : ndarray
State to perturb randomly.
energy : float
Energy of configuration.
class coniii.samplers.WolffIsing(J, h)

Bases: coniii.samplers.Sampler

build_cluster(state, initialsite)

Grow cluster from initial site.

find_neighbors(state, site, alreadyMarked)

Return neighbors of given site that need to be visited excluding sites that have already been visited. This is the implementation of the Wolff algorithm for finding neighbors such that detailed balance is satisfied. I have modified to include random fields such tha the probability of adding a neighbors depends both on its coupling with the current site and the neighbor’s magnetic field.

state site alreadyMarked

generate_sample(samplesize, n_iters, initialSample=None, save_history=False)

Generate samples by starting from random initial states.

generate_sample_parallel(samplesize, n_iters, initialSample=None)

Generate samples by starting from random or given initial states.

one_step(state, initialsite=None)

Run one iteration of the Wolff algorithm that involves finding a cluster and possibly flipping it.

update_parameters(J, h)

Heisenberg model.

theta : ndarray
List of couplings Jij
x : ndarray
List of angles (theta_0,phi_0,theta_1,phi_1,…,theta_n,phi_n)
coniii.samplers.check_e_logp(sample, calc_e)

Boltzmann type model with discrete state space should have E propto -logP. Calculate these quantities for comparison.

sample calc_e


Calculate the cross product of two 3d vectors.


Calculate the cross product of two 3d vectors.


Derivatives wrt the angles of the spins.


Derivatives wrt the couplings theta.


Cycle through all spins to get clusters.


Iterate through all neighbors of a particular site and see if a bond should be formed between them.

n : int
System size.
ix : ndarray of bool
Indices of sites that have already been visited.
expdJ : ndarray
np.exp( -2*state[:,None]*state[None,:]*J )
r : ndarray
Array of random numbers.

Get a single sample by MC sampling from this Hamiltonian.

theta : ndarray
x0 : ndarray

nBurn : int dt : float leapfrogN : int randNormal : ndarray

nBurn x ndim
randUnif : ndarray
p : ndarray
Probability of bond formation.
r : ndarray
Random numbers.

state J

coniii.samplers.sample_ising(multipliers, n_samples, n_cpus=None, seed=None, generate_samples_kw={})

Easy way to Metropolis sample from Ising model.

multipliers : ndarray
N individual fields followed by N(N-1)/2 pairwise couplings.
n_samples : int
Number of samples to take.
n_cpus : int, None
Number of cpus to use. If more than one, multiprocessing invoked.
seed : int, None
Random number generator seed.
generate_samples_kw : dict, {}
Any extra arguments to send into Metropolis sampler. Default args are
n_iters=1000 systematic_iter=False saveHistory=False initial_sample=None
Matrix of dimensions (n_samples, n).
coniii.samplers.spec_cluster(L, exact=True)
L : ndarray
Graph Laplacian