coniii.solvers module

class coniii.solvers.ClusterExpansion(sample, model=None, calc_observables=None, sample_size=1000, iprint=True, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Implementation of Adaptive Cluster Expansion for solving the inverse Ising problem, as described in John Barton and Simona Cocco, J. of Stat. Mech. P03002 (2013).

Specific to pairwise Ising constraints.

S(cluster, coocMat, deltaJdict={}, useAnalyticResults=False, priorLmbda=0.0, numSamples=None)

Calculate pairwise entropy of cluster. (First fits pairwise Ising model.)

cluster : list
List of indices belonging to each cluster.
coocMat : ndarray
Pairwise correlations.

deltaJdict : dict, {} useAnalyticResults : bool, False

Probably want False until analytic formulas are changed to include prior on J

entropy : float Jfull : ndarray

Matrix of couplings.
Sindependent(cluster, coocMat)

Entropy approximation assuming that each cluster appears independently of the others.

cluster : list coocMat : ndarray

Pairwise correlations.
Sind, independent entropy.
Pairwise couplings.
deltaS(cluster, coocMat, deltaSdict=None, deltaJdict=None, iprint=True, meanFieldRef=False, priorLmbda=0.0, numSamples=None, independentRef=False, meanFieldPriorLmbda=None)
cluster : list
List of indices in cluster

coocMat : ndarray deltaSdict : dict, None deltaJdict : dict, None iprint : bool, True meanFieldRef : bool, False numSamples : int, None independentRef : bool, False

If True, expand about independent entropy
meanFieldRef : bool, False
If True, expand about mean field entropy
solve(threshold, cluster=None, deltaSdict=None, deltaJdict=None, iprint=True, priorLmbda=0.0, numSamples=None, meanFieldRef=False, independentRef=True, veryVerbose=False, meanFieldPriorLmbda=None, full_output=False)

threshold : float meanFieldRef : bool, False

Expand about mean-field reference.
independentRef : bool, True
Expand about independent reference.
priorLmbda : float, 0.
Strength of non-interacting prior.
meanFieldPriorLmbda : float, None
Strength of non-interacting prior in mean field calculation (defaults to priorLmbda).
Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
float (optional, only if full_output=True)
Estimated entropy.
Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
list (optional, only if full_output=True)
List of clusters.
dict (optional, only if full_output=True)
dict (optional, only if full_output=True)
subsets(thisSet, size, sort=False)

Given a list, returns a list of all unique subsets of that list with given size.

thisSet : list size : int sort : bool, False

All subsets of given size.
class coniii.solvers.Enumerate(sample=None, model=None, calc_observables=None, iprint=True, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Class for solving fully-connected inverse Ising model problem by enumeration of the partition function and then using gradient descent.

solve(initial_guess=None, constraints=None, max_param_value=50, full_output=False, use_root=True, scipy_solver_kwargs={'method': 'krylov', 'options': {'fatol': 1e-13, 'xatol': 1e-13}})

Must specify either constraints (the correlations) or samples from which the correlations will be calculated using self.calc_observables. This routine by default uses scipy.optimize.root to find the solution. This is MUCH faster than the scipy.optimize.minimize routine which can be used instead.

If still too slow, try adjusting the accuracy.

If not converging, try increasing the max number of iterations.

If receiving Jacobian error (or some other numerical estimation error), parameter values may be too large for faithful evaluation. Try decreasing max_param_value.

initial_guess : ndarray, None
Initial starting guess for parameters. By default, this will start with all zeros if left unspecified.
constraints : ndarray, None
Can specify constraints directly instead of using the ones calculated from the sample. This can be useful when the pairwise correlations are known exactly. This will override the self.constraints data member.
max_param_value : float, 50
Absolute value of max parameter value. Bounds can also be set in the kwargs passed to the minimizer, in which case this should be set to None.
full_output : bool, False
If True, return output from scipy.optimize.minimize.
use_root : bool, True
If False, use scipy.optimize.minimize instead. This is typically much slower.
scipy_solver_kwargs : dict, {‘method’:’krylov’, ‘options’:{‘fatol’:1e-13,’xatol’:1e-13}}
High accuracy is slower. Although default accuracy may not be so good, lowering these custom presets will speed things up. Choice of the root finding method can also change runtime and whether a solution is found or not. Recommend playing around with different solvers and tolerances or getting a close approximation using a different method if solution is hard to find.
Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
dict, optional
Output from scipy.optimize.root.
class coniii.solvers.MCH(sample, model=None, calc_observables=None, sample_size=1000, sample_method='metropolis', mch_approximation=None, iprint=True, sampler_kw={}, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Class for solving maxent problems using the Monte Carlo Histogram method.

Broderick, T., Dudik, M., Tkacik, G., Schapire, R. E. & Bialek, W. Faster solutions of the inverse pairwise Ising problem. arXiv 1-8 (2007).


Approximation Jacobian using the MCH approximation.

eps : float, 1e-3

jac : ndarray
Jacobian is an n x n matrix where each row corresponds to the behavior of fvec wrt to a single parameter.
learn_parameters_mch(estConstraints, constraints, maxdlamda=1, maxdlamdaNorm=1, maxLearningSteps=50, eta=1)
estConstraints : ndarray
Constraints estimated from MCH approximation.

constraints : ndarray maxdlamda : float, 1

Max allowed magnitude for any element of dlamda vector before exiting.
maxdlamdaNorm : float, 1
Max allowed norm of dlamda vector before exiting.
maxLearningSteps : int
max learning steps before ending MCH
eta : float, 1
factor for changing dlamda
MCH estimate for constraints from parameters lamda+dlamda.
solve(initial_guess=None, constraints=None, tol=None, tolNorm=None, n_iters=30, burn_in=30, maxiter=10, custom_convergence_f=None, iprint=False, full_output=False, learn_params_kwargs={'eta': 1, 'maxdlamda': 1}, generate_kwargs={})

Solve for maxent model parameters using MCH routine.

initial_guess : ndarray, None
Initial starting point.
constraints : ndarray, None
For debugging! Vector of correlations to fit.
tol : float, None
Maximum error allowed in any observable.
tolNorm : float, None
Norm error allowed in found solution.
n_iters : int, 30
Number of iterations to make between samples in MCMC sampling.
burn_in : int, 30
Initial burn in from random sample when MC sampling.
max_iter : int, 10
Max number of iterations of MC sampling and MCH approximation.
custom_convergence_f : function, None

Function for determining convergence criterion. At each iteration, this function should return the next set of learn_params_kwargs and optionally the sample size.

As an example: def learn_settings(i):

‘’’ Take in the iteration counter and set the maximum change allowed in any given parameter (maxdlamda) and the multiplicative factor eta, where d(parameter) = (error in observable) * eta.

Additional option is to also return the sample size for that step by returning a tuple. Larger sample sizes are necessary for higher accuracy. ‘’’ if i<10:

return {‘maxdlamda’:1,’eta’:1}
return {‘maxdlamda’:.05,’eta’:.05}

iprint : bool, False full_output : bool, False

If True, also return the errflag and error history.

learn_parameters_kwargs : dict, {‘maxdlamda’:1,’eta’:1} generate_kwargs : dict, {}

Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
Error flag. 0, converged within given criterion 1, max iterations reached
Log of errors in matching constraints at each step of iteration.
class coniii.solvers.MCHIncompleteData(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.MCH

Class for solving maxent problems using the Monte Carlo Histogram method on incomplete data where some spins may not be visible.

Broderick, T., Dudik, M., Tkacik, G., Schapire, R. E. & Bialek, W. Faster solutions of the inverse pairwise Ising problem. arXiv 1-8 (2007).

NOTE: This only works for Ising model.
Not ready for release.
generate_samples(n_iters, burn_in, uIncompleteStates=None, f_cond_sample_size=None, f_cond_sample_iters=None, sample_size=None, sample_method=None, initial_sample=None, run_regular_sampler=True, run_cond_sampler=True, disp=0, generate_kwargs={})

Wrapper around generate_samples_parallel() from available samplers.

n_iters : int burn_in : int

I think burn in is handled automatically in REMC.

uIncompleteStates : list of unique states f_cond_sample_size : lambda function

Given the number of hidden spins, return the number of samples to take.
f_cond_sample_iters : lambda function
Given the number of hidden spins, return the number of MC iterations to make.

sample_size : int sample_method : str initial_sample : ndarray generate_kwargs : dict

learn_parameters_mch(estConstraints, fullFraction, uIncompleteStates, uIncompleteStatesCount, maxdlamda=1, maxdlamdaNorm=1, maxLearningSteps=50, eta=1)

Update parameters with MCH step. Update is proportional to the difference between the observables and the predicted observables after a small change to the parameters. This is calculated from likelihood maximization, and for the incomplete data points this corresponds to the marginal probability distribution weighted with the number of corresponding data points.

estConstraints : ndarray fullFraction : float

Fraction of data points that are complete.
uIncompleteStates : list-like
Unique incomplete states in data.
uIncompleteStatesCount : list-like
Frequency of each unique data point.

maxdlamda : float,1 maxdlamdaNorm : float,1 maxLearningSteps : int

max learning steps before ending MCH
eta : float,1
factor for changing dlamda

estimatedConstraints : ndarray

solve(X=None, constraints=None, initial_guess=None, cond_sample_size=100, cond_sample_iters=100, tol=None, tolNorm=None, n_iters=30, burn_in=30, maxiter=10, disp=False, full_output=False, learn_params_kwargs={}, generate_kwargs={})

Solve for parameters using MCH routine.

X : ndarray constraints : ndarray

Constraints calculated from the incomplete data (accounting for missing data points).
initial_guess : ndarray=None
initial starting point
cond_sample_size : int or function
Number of samples to make for conditional distribution. If function is passed in, it will be passed number of missing spins and must return an int.
cond_sample_iters : int or function
Number of MC iterations to make between samples.
tol : float=None
maximum error allowed in any observable
tolNorm : float
norm error allowed in found solution
n_iters : int=30
Number of iterations to make between samples in MCMC sampling.

burn_in (int=30) disp : int=0

0, no output 1, some detail 2, most detail
full_output : bool,False
Return errflag and errors at each iteration if True.

learn_parameters_kwargs : dict generate_kwargs : dict

parameters : ndarray
Found solution.

errflag : int errors : ndarray

Errors in matching constraints at each step of iteration.
class coniii.solvers.MPF(sample, model=None, calc_observables=None, calc_de=None, adj=None, iprint=True, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

K(Xuniq, Xcount, adjacentStates, params)

Compute objective function.

Xuniq : ndarray
(ndata x ndims) unique states that appear in the data
Xcount : ndarray of int
number of times that each unique state appears in the data
adjacentStates : list of ndarray
list of adjacent states for each given unique state
params : ndarray
parameters for computation of energy

K : float

list_adjacent_states(Xuniq, all_connected)

Use self.adj to evaluate all adjacent states in Xuniq.

Xuniq : ndarray all_connected : bool


logK(Xuniq, Xcount, adjacentStates, params)

Compute log of objective function.

Xuniq : ndarray
(n_samples, n_dim) unique states that appear in the data
Xcount : ndarray of int
number of times that each unique state appears in the data
adjacentStates : list of ndarray
list of adjacent states for each given unique state
params : ndarray
parameters for computation of energy

logK : float

solve(initial_guess=None, method='L-BFGS-B', full_output=False, all_connected=True, parameter_limits=100, solver_kwargs={'disp': False, 'ftol': 1e-15, 'maxiter': 100}, uselog=True)

Minimize MPF objective function using scipy.optimize.minimize.

initial_guess : ndarray, None method : str, ‘L-BFGS-B’

Option for scipy.optimize.minimize.

full_output : bool, False all_connected : bool, True

Switch for summing over all states that data sets could be connected to or just summing over non-data states (second summation in Eq 10 in Sohl-Dickstein 2011).
parameter_limits : float, 100
Maximum allowed magnitude of any single parameter.
solver_kwargs : dict, {‘maxiter’:100,’disp’:False,’ftol’:1e-15}
For scipy.optimize.minimize.
uselog : bool, True
If True, calculate log of the objective function. This can help with numerical precision errors.
Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
dict (optional)
Output from scipy.optimize.minimize returned if full_output is True.
static worker_objective_task(s, Xcount, adjacentStates, params, calc_e)

alias of coniii.solvers.MCH

class coniii.solvers.Pseudo(sample, model=None, calc_observables=None, get_multipliers_r=None, calc_observables_r=None, k=2, iprint=True, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Pseudolikelihood approximation to solving the inverse Ising problem as described in Aurell and Ekeberg, PRL 108, 090201 (2012).

cond_hess(r, X, Jr, pairCoocRhat=None)

Returns d^2 cond_log_likelihood / d Jri d Jrj, with shape (dimension of system)x(dimension of system)

Current implementation uses more memory for speed. For large sample size, it may make sense to break up differently if too much memory is being used.


pairCooc : ndarray, None
Pass pair_cooc_mat(X) to speed calculation.
cond_jac(r, X, Jr)

Returns d cond_log_likelihood / d Jr, with shape (dimension of system)


cond_log_likelihood(r, X, Jr)

Equals the conditional log likelihood -L_r.


r : int
individual index
X : ndarray
binary matrix, (# X) x (dimension of system)
Jr : ndarray
(dimension of system) x (1)



Returns matrix of shape (self.n)x(# X)x(self.n).

For use with cond_hess.

Slow because I haven’t thought of a better way of doing it yet.


pseudo_log_likelihood(X, J)

TODO: Could probably be made more efficient.


X : ndarray
binary matrix, (# of samples) x (dimension of system)
J : ndarray
(dimension of system) x (dimension of system) J should be symmetric
solve(force_general=False, **kwargs)

Uses a general all-purpose optimization to solve the problem using functions defined in self.get_multipliers_r and self.calc_observables_r.

force_general : bool, False
If True, force use of “general” algorithm.
initial_guess : ndarray, None
Initial guess for the parameter values.
solver_kwargs : dict, {}
kwargs for scipy.minimize().
Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
class coniii.solvers.RegularizedMeanField(sample, model=None, calc_observables=None, sample_size=1000, iprint=False, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Implementation of regularized mean field method for solving the inverse Ising problem, as described in Daniels, Bryan C., David C. Krakauer, and Jessica C. Flack. ``Control of Finite Critical Behaviour in a Small-Scale Social System.’’ Nature Communications 8 (2017): 14301. doi:10.1038/ncomms14301

Specific to pairwise Ising constraints.

bracket1d(xList, funcList)

Assumes xList is monotonically increasing

Get bracketed interval (a,b,c) with a < b < c, and f(b) < f(a) and f(c). (Choose b and c to make f(b) and f(c) as small as possible.)

If minimum is at one end, raise error.

solve(n_grid_points=200, min_size=0, reset_rng=True, min_covariance=False, min_independent=True, cooc_cov=None, priorLmbda=0.0, bracket=None)

Varies the strength of regularization on the mean field J to best fit given cooccurrence data.

n_grid_points : int, 200
If bracket is given, first test at n_grid_points points evenly spaced in the bracket interval, then give the lowest three points to scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar
min_size : int, 0
Use a modified model in which samples with fewer ones than min_size are not allowed.
reset_rng: bool, True
Reset random number generator seed before sampling to ensure that objective function does not depend on generator state.
min_covariance : bool, False
** As of v1.0.3, not currently supported ** Minimize covariance from emperical frequencies (see notes); trying to avoid biases, as inspired by footnote 12 in TkaSchBer06
min_independent : bool, True
** As of v1.0.3, min_independent is the only mode currently supported ** Each <xi> and <xi xj> residual is treated as independent
cooc_cov : ndarray, None
** As of v1.0.3, not currently supported ** Provide a covariance matrix for residuals. Should typically be coocSampleCovariance(samples). Only used if min_covariance and min_independent are False.
priorLmbda : float,0.
** As of v1.0.3, not currently implemented ** Strength of noninteracting prior.
Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
class coniii.solvers.Solver

Bases: object

Base class for declaring common methods and attributes for inverse maxent algorithms.

basic_setup(sample_or_n=None, model=None, calc_observables=None, iprint=True, model_kwargs={})

General routine for setting up a Solver instance.

sample_or_n : ndarray or int, None

If ndarray, of dimensions (samples, dimension).

If int, specifies system size.

If None, many of the default class members cannot be set and then must be set manually.

model : class like one from, None
By default, will be set to solve Ising model.
calc_observables : function, None
For calculating observables from a set of samples.
iprint : str, True
If empty, do not display warning messages.
model_kwargs : dict, {}
Additional arguments that will be passed to Ising class. These only matter if model is None. Important ones include “n_cpus” and “rng”.
fill_in(x, fill_value=0)

Helper function for filling in missing parameter values.

x : ndarray fill_value : float, 0

With missing entries filled in.

Calculate indices to fill in with zeros to “fool” code that takes full set of params.


To be defined in derivative classes.

class coniii.solvers.SparseEnumerate(sample=None, model=None, calc_observables=None, parameter_ix=None, iprint=True, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Class for solving Ising model with a sparse parameter set by enumeration of the partition function and then using gradient descent. Unspecified parameters are implicitly fixed to be zero, which corresponds to leaving the corresponding correlation function unconstrained.

solve(initial_guess=None, constraints=None, max_param_value=50, full_output=False, use_root=True, scipy_solver_kwargs={'method': 'krylov', 'options': {'fatol': 1e-13, 'xatol': 1e-13}})

Must specify either constraints (the correlations) or samples from which the correlations will be calculated using self.calc_observables. This routine by default uses scipy.optimize.root to find the solution. This is MUCH faster than the scipy.optimize.minimize routine which can be used instead.

If still too slow, try adjusting the accuracy.

If not converging, try increasing the max number of iterations.

If receiving Jacobian error (or some other numerical estimation error), parameter values may be too large for faithful evaluation. Try decreasing max_param_value.

initial_guess : ndarray, None
Initial starting guess for parameters. By default, this will start with all zeros if left unspecified.
constraints : ndarray, None
Can specify constraints directly instead of using the ones calculated from the sample. This can be useful when the pairwise correlations are known exactly. This will override the self.constraints data member.
max_param_value : float, 50
Absolute value of max parameter value. Bounds can also be set in the kwargs passed to the minimizer, in which case this should be set to None.
full_output : bool, False
If True, return output from scipy.optimize.minimize.
use_root : bool, True
If False, use scipy.optimize.minimize instead. This is typically much slower.
scipy_solver_kwargs : dict, {‘method’:’krylov’, ‘options’:{‘fatol’:1e-13,’xatol’:1e-13}}
High accuracy is slower. Although default accuracy may not be so good, lowering these custom presets will speed things up. Choice of the root finding method can also change runtime and whether a solution is found or not. Recommend playing around with different solvers and tolerances or getting a close approximation using a different method if solution is hard to find.
Solved multipliers (parameters).
dict, optional
Output from scipy.optimize.root.
class coniii.solvers.SparseMCH(sample, model=None, calc_observables=None, sample_size=1000, sample_method='metropolis', mch_approximation=None, parameter_ix=None, iprint=True, sampler_kw={}, **default_model_kwargs)

Bases: coniii.solvers.Solver

Class for solving maxent problems on sparse constraints using the Monte Carlo Histogram method.

See MCH class.

learn_parameters_mch(estConstraints, constraints, maxdlamda=1, maxdlamdaNorm=1, maxLearningSteps=50, eta=1)
estConstraints : ndarray
Constraints estimated from MCH approximation.

constraints : ndarray maxdlamda : float, 1

Max allowed magnitude for any element of dlamda vector before exiting.
maxdlamdaNorm : float, 1
Max allowed norm of dlamda vector before exiting.
maxLearningSteps : int
max learning steps before ending MCH
eta : float, 1
factor for changing dlamda
MCH estimate for constraints from parameters lamda+dlamda.
solve(initial_guess=None, constraints=None, tol=None, tolNorm=None, n_iters=30, burn_in=30, maxiter=10, custom_convergence_f=None, iprint=False, full_output=False, learn_params_kwargs={'eta': 1, 'maxdlamda': 1}, generate_kwargs={})

Solve for maxent model parameters using MCH routine.

initial_guess : ndarray, None
Initial starting point.
constraints : ndarray, None
For debugging! Vector of correlations to fit.
tol : float, None
Maximum error allowed in any observable.
tolNorm : float, None
Norm error allowed in found solution.
n_iters : int, 30
Number of iterations to make between samples in MCMC sampling.
burn_in : int, 30
Initial burn in from random sample when MC sampling.
max_iter : int, 10
Max number of iterations of MC sampling and MCH approximation.
custom_convergence_f : function, None

Function for determining convergence criterion. At each iteration, this function should return the next set of learn_params_kwargs and optionally the sample size.

As an example: def learn_settings(i):

‘’’ Take in the iteration counter and set the maximum change allowed in any given parameter (maxdlamda) and the multiplicative factor eta, where d(parameter) = (error in observable) * eta.

Additional option is to also return the sample size for that step by returning a tuple. Larger sample sizes are necessary for higher accuracy. ‘’’ if i<10:

return {‘maxdlamda’:1,’eta’:1}
return {‘maxdlamda’:.05,’eta’:.05}

iprint : bool, False full_output : bool, False

If True, also return the errflag and error history.

learn_parameters_kwargs : dict, {‘maxdlamda’:1,’eta’:1} generate_kwargs : dict, {}

Solved multipliers (parameters). For Ising problem, these can be converted into matrix format using utils.vec2mat.
Error flag. 0, converged within given criterion 1, max iterations reached
Log of errors in matching constraints at each step of iteration.
coniii.solvers.unwrap_self_worker_obj(arg, **kwarg)